Tournament Registration Closing

Greetings, fighters. Registration for the Clash for the Cash tournament will close March 1 at noon. No registrations will be processed beyond that deadline. Of course, sometimes people fail to show up, or have to drop out for some reason, so if you plan to attend the...

Class for Feb. 25, 2024

This week at Crossing Fight School, we will be holding our second Intermural Tournament. This will essentially be a dry run for our inaugural regional tournament, Clash for the Cash, which we will be holding next Saturday in Pemberton. Please make sure to be there on...

Clash for the Cash Longsword Tournament

Join us for the inaugural Clash for the Cash Longsword tournament on March 2, 2024 in Pemberton, NJ. This will be the first event of its kind in this part of the country, with cash prizes and medals being awarded to the top 8 fighters. The entry fee for the tournament...

Ladies Knight Tournament

This week at Crossing Fight School, we’ll be hosting what should be the largest women’s/URG tournament in the history of modern HEMA: LADIES KNIGHT! The fighting begins Saturday at noon, and on Sunday, there will be a variety of classes from a number of...

Bucks Tournament

One more thing….. Bucks Historical Longsword is hosting an Intramural Tournament at Tamanend Park in PA on Sunday beginning at 11 AM. Since we are having class on Saturday, this could be a good opportunity to jump in and pressure test your skills against some of...