This week at Crossing Fight School, we’ll be going through the next few plays from Paurenfeyndt’s Longsword, including the much-anticipated Ubergriffen play, which promises to be a challenge. 🙂
In addition, we will also be having more judged matches to further refine our application of our rule set in anticipation of our upcoming events. Speaking of which, I am currently seeking *dedicated* directors for the tournament in March. If you think you can handle both competing in the event and directing in it, you are welcome to do so, but I would encourage those who don’t intend to compete to make themselves available to be either directors or judges. Having dedicated personnel makes seeding the pools and scheduling the entire event MUCH easier. PLEASE let me know if you have an interest in doing so. I intend to pay only the directors for their time, if that matters to anyone. I’m not sure how much yet, but you’ll definitely get some ‘walking around’ money.
In other news, Bucks Historical Longsword is having an Intramural Tournament next Sunday (December 10th). Anyone who has an interest is encouraged to attend, but we will still be having class on that day (I intend to be at both). If attendance is light, I will modify the class accordingly. I should also mention that if you feel that your skills are not up to snuff for competing, you should attend these intramural tournaments anyway because they provide a lower pressure environment where you can better hone your skills for competition. Please consider this as another form of training. These events are being held specifically to help us improve in that environment.
See you all on Sunday.