This week at Crossing Fight School, we’ll be having a flexible Fight Week class, with a few exercises devoted to Schiessen (shooting the point in) and grappling, and some extended sparring.
Bucks Historical Longsword is having an Intramural Tournament on Sunday, and if attendance at our venue is light as a result, I will spend class doing some focused sparring with anyone who requests it, and I’ll save this material for another Fight Week class.
The Bucks IM is at the recreational center in Newtown, their regular Friday venue, and it begins at 11 AM. Please notify Steve Cheney in advance if you intend to compete, as the brackets need to be made in advance so the event can begin on time. The venue is located at 345 Richboro Rd., Richboro, PA, 18954. All Crossing fighters are encouraged to compete if they desire, and are also advised to read the rule set. Here is the link:
Bucks Historical Longsword Intramural Tournament 13
See you all on Sunday.