This week at Crossing Fight School, we will be devoting our class time to preparing for PEMAC’s inaugural open Longsword tournament, Revolution Rumble. It will feature judged matches between all of our fighters, and anybody who wants to join us from other schools. All such matches will feature the rule set that will be used in the actual tournament. I encourage as many people as possible to fight, judge, and/or direct in order to work on every facet of organized competition.
All of the attendees will also have the option of working amongst themselves to refine whatever they have to in order to ensure success in the upcoming event. This region is our home base, and I want everyone to bring all of their skills and all of their determination to bear so we can have the best showing possible. Because of the success that our regional clubs tend to have at various tournaments, many fighters will be looking to bump us off, so everyone should be prepared for very stiff opposition. Let us prepare accordingly.
See you all on Sunday.