This week at Crossing Fight School, we will resume our look at use cases for the 5 Hidden Hews, and also the binds and plays that originate from them. This class in particular will feature the Zwerchhau, which is arguably the most versatile and prolific cut of them all.
The focus will be not only on the cut itself, but also on the best course of action to take when the cut is parried, which depends (of course) on what position you find yourself in. Since this cut allows you to continually drive attacks from one opening to another without necessarily having to re-chamber, its versatity is obvious. When paired with things like Duplieren and stabbing attacks, its effects, particularly against defensive fighters, can be devastating.
As many of our fighters will be in Ohio at the Ascalon tournament, attendance may be lighter than usual, but hopefully we’ll still have a good showing. Best of luck to all who are competing this weekend. You have been well prepared, and I expect to hear good news when it’s all over.
See (some of) you all on Sunday.