This week at Crossing Fight School, we’ll be having a series of judged sparring matches in preparation for the Crossroads Tournament in Columbus, Ohio next week.

The beginning of class will, as usual, feature a series of fight exercises meant to hone our skills and refine our technique. Thereafter, we’ll be judging fights for one another in an effort to also enhance our ability to discern what happens in an exchange, which very often gets ‘lost in the sauce’, as they say. For those of you unfamiliar with how a tournament fight is run, this will be a good opportunity to see how all this unfolds.

We will be using the Crossroads rule set, which can be found here:

Also … a few additional announcements:


1) Many of us will be away the weekend of the 18th, and as such, the venue will not have a formal lesson scheduled. If you want access to the space so you can free spar, let me know so I can make arrangements to let people in. One among you has to be responsible for closing up (unless the softball people show up, then you can simply clean up and leave).

2) Our class the next weekend after that will be on *Saturday*, September 24th, from *noon to 3 PM*.

3) Bucks Historical Longsword is having an Intramural Tournament ay Tamanend Park in Pennsylvania on the following day (the 25th). I am considering attending, and I encourage anyone who has an interest in it to go and compete. Their rule set is different from any you may be familiar with, so you may want to look it over:

See you all on Sunday.