No Class July 24
Just a reminder … we are closed this Sunday because there’s a track event at the venue. It’s just as well … we’d probably melt down otherwise.
New Class Option
As some of you are aware, I’ve been negotiating with the people who run the spring floor-equipped gymnastics rooms just adjacent to our training area. On that front, there’s good news and bad news.
The good news is we can have access to a room for $50/class. That’s a tiny fraction of what they cost normally. Ringen is definitely on the table, and I’m guessing dagger would be as well.
The bad news is that they aren’t air conditioned, and they are largely unavailable on Sundays beginning in September. I didn’t find out about that last bit until we agreed on a price.
It’s a mixed bag, but at least we can rent the space if we want to have a Sunday class in there when they’re off competing at a meet, or it’s the off-season for them.
Ultimately, this could open doors (heh) for us to expand our curriculum to include not only Ringen, but perhaps pugilism and other such things, maybe on a day other than Sunday. The bottom line is that we’ll have the option open to us, which helps us as a school. This also could potentially mean that we’d have access to the area for special events such as a tournament. I’m not sure we’ll be able to run Longsword matches in there, but it may not be out of the question. Nevertheless, the space could be used for gear storage or ancillary competitions if Longsword isn’t an option. We could run the matches on the floor we have in our space (which should accommodate 4 rings or so).
With all that said, we’ll be back in business on the 31st. See you all at that time.