After a hard fought tournament, it’s clear that attendance will be insanely light tomorrow, so I’ve decided to give everyone a day off. Class is canceled tomorrow so everyone can recover and put themselves back together.
There will be a more detailed post tomorrow.
I am proud of each and every one of you. We were represented very well both in and out of the ring thanks to you all.
As you are all aware, The Pennsylvania HEMA Open is this weekend. Despite the fact that it is being held on Saturday, I still plan to have class on Sunday. That is the *plan*, anyway. If attendance is very light, as I suspect it might be, maybe we’ll do a post-event de-briefing or some one-on-one work. If we have a good sized class, we’ll wrap up the Zwerchhau material with some choice exercises.
Tournament weekends can be a lot of fun, but they can sometimes be unpredictable. Although I expect to be in Cherry Hill early enough to begin class on time (I already have a lesson put together and everything is ready to roll), if I have to cancel it for any reason, I will post something either Saturday night, or as early as possible on Sunday morning. August gives us a bonus 5th Sunday, so if things go that way, we can take a day off and regroup on the 22nd.
For those competing, keep it simple, stay loose, and place more emphasis on fencing well than winning. In the long run, the better you fight, the more matches you’ll win.
See you all over the weekend.